Friday, May 18, 2012

Our Day of Kayaking and Nature Walks

Thanks to everyone who has commented. We would love to hear from the rest of our families!!


  1. Nice pictures did you keep the kayak right side up Nicole!

  2. Yum, steak and lobster. It looks like kayaking was a lot of fun! Do you have any good pictures of the specimens you found? Keep having fun....

  3. Love the kayak picture. Any chance of seeing a puffin? Whoopie pie shopping tomorrow. Say hi to Hazel and Jenni!

    Shannon, I hope you are taking a lot of pictures. Be sure you are in some of them.


  4. Oh - the pics are so beautiful! Wow, you sure are getting great weather. I hope you see some whales today. Nicole, I saw your parents at the Modified boys game yesterday and they are following this blog closely and enjoying Cape Cod vicariously! I have only been to the Cape one time - the pictures are bringing back wonderful memories. Kayaking is a lifelong pleasure once you get comfortable with it. Enjoy every minute.
    Mrs. M
